Build your

HealThiest & strongest body

by Coach Greg™

Looking to lose fat, gain muscle mass… or both? We will develop a plan tailored to you. Choose your plan to get in the best shape of your life today!

Greg Doucette

Founder of Coach Greg Inc.

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder

World Record-Holding Powerlifter

Health & Fitness Coach to Thousands

Pick the plan that fits you

Maximize Results

Our best value option for the person looking to have a diet that lets them eat delicious, filling meals and to train harder than last time each week. This is the program for you if you are looking for the complete guide to optimizing your nutrition and training to reach your goals.

Look at the transformations

David Perniz - 51 years old

Montreal, Canada

Although you need to remain patient in the process, it is so well worth the wait. Coach Greg and staff want to ensure they fully understand all aspects of your current nutrition, cardio and strength training habits and goals. It is a back and forth iterative process because it is FULLY CUSTOMIZED for YOU! That is right, You and only YOU!

At first glance you may feel like you are drinking out of a firehose but with each cardio session, each meal and each day, you will see progress and be satiated. The guidelines are simple and easy to follow. The only caution here is you must be patient, committed and take it one day at a time. This is not a sprint, it is a marathon.

Christian - 34 years old

New York, NY

Even though it is a one-time purchase, it is a plan I can follow for the rest of my life. The diet and workout plan gives you the flexibility to change things up. The plan is so easy to follow, and all the recipes are amazing.

Christian - 34 years old

Lorem, Ipsum

Even though it is a one-time purchase, it is a plan I can follow for the rest of my life. The diet and workout plan gives you the flexibility to change things up. The plan is so easy to follow, and all the recipes are amazing.